Hemoglobin A1c
(HbA1c) Test for
The hemoglobin A1C test tells you your average level of blood
sugar over the past 2 to 3 months. It’s also called HbA1c,
glycated hemoglobin test, and glycohemoglobin.
Do Your Research
Without an interpretation of your score, at-home medical tests become obsolete. Read through our guides to determine what your score means. Then, you’ll be better able to determine your best course of action.
Frequently Asked Questions
Doctor's don't often have time to thoroughly explain the A1c test leaving a lot of patients with questions once they try it again. Here are the answers to the questions we've heard most frequently.
Diabetes Recipes
When you have diabetes, you have to be careful what you eat...but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it! Take a peek at these delicious diabetes-friendly recipes.
Basic Info for Diabetes
Your A1c score can help you monitor and manage your diabetes. Here's how to interpret what it means.
Why You Should Understand Your Score
People trust My Medical Score because our guides are fully cover their topics
without the including the complicated medical jargon. These guides are designed
to help everyone understand their medical scores and properly manage their health.
When you understand your medical scores you can:

Most Common A1C Readings
The A1c test is the best indication of your current health. Select the A1c score below that matches your reading to determine how well you’re managing your diabetes.
Most Common Blood Pressure Readings
A blood pressure reading can help you determine if you have low or high blood pressure, an important indicator of health that plays a role in determining your risk for heart disease & stroke.